Agent Drop-In Sessions

Book in with your personal agent!

Our drop-in sessions are 15 minute zoom meetings to discuss you or your child’s progress in the agency – or any questions you have relating to the agency. This is only for those we represent on Spotlight.

Whilst we are always happy to give self-tape feedback via Whatsapp, or speak on the phone, this gives you the opportunity to chat with us face-to-face!

We are happy to discuss topics such as: headshots, auditions, recalls, self-tapes, Spotlight profiles, personal goals – anything you feel would be beneficial for you/your child.

By clicking onto your agent’s name, it will take you to our online calendar, showing you the availability we have for the week.

We update our calendars weekly so the drop-in sessions won’t always land on the same days or with the same times – it will just depend on our current availability. We hope this will also give everyone an opportunity to book in when it suits you.

You will get an email confirmation when you have booked your session with us. If you want to cancel or reschedule, please email your agent.

Please also feel free to drop us an email outlining any particular questions or topics you have in mind. For example, if you want feedback on a specific self-tape, please let us know beforehand, so we can watch before our session, enabling us to use the time really effectively.

Please click on the name of your personal agent to access their calendar, where you can book in a slot:

We look forward to seeing you soon!

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