
AMELIA flying high in BRITISH AIRWAYS Advert

Emerging talent Amelia Mitchell (10) filmed the latest BA advert in Mauritius. Another International Licence granted! Its so amazing that so many Yorkshire kids get to travel the world AND GET PAID at the same time. It’s a wonderful life!

Amelia is yet another Articulate child to have started small to build up her confidence. She first appeared as an SA on C4’s HULLRAISERS before becoming a distraught war time evacuee in the popular THE RAILWAY CHILDREN RETURN. Her next role was in a short film called YOUTHLESS. These productions which saw Amelia appear in ensemble roles naturally helped her feel at ease with the filming process when required to appear as the only child on camera for British Airways.

Well done Amelia. It’s a brilliant idea for an advert which she executes perfectly.

Since filming Amelia has gone from strength to strength, watch this space for more news about Amelia’s budding career……..

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